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Kharazmi University
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Nasergholi Sarli
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Habib-Allah Abbasi
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Zahra Saberi
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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

EISSN 24766941
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The critical discourse analysis of prayers in Attar's Mosibatnameh based on Farklough's method
Parvin Mortazaie1 , Raha Zareifard2 , Zahra Hosseini * 3
1- Eqlid Higher Education Center
2- Jahrom University
3- Jahrom University , zh9023@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1011 Views)
The Mosibatname is one of the most important of Attar's couplet poem in the field of mystical literature. In this work, the poet's prayers to his god have a special attraction. The structure of these conversations in the layers of fear, intimacy and blame accompanies the poet in expressing social and moral thoughts. In this research, which was formed in a descriptive-analytical way, it seeks to answer the discursive dimensions of Attar's Mosibatname prayers and how to explain and interpret the social and power relations in this text based on Farklough's model. According to this approach, the types of prayers of Attar in the Mosibatname include three branches of fearful, sincere and reproachful prayers, which have been examined at three levels of description, interpretation and explanation. At the description level, the characteristics of vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar express the poet's social experience and reflect the social unrest and turmoil of the 7th century in Khorasan. In the interpretation, the poet's focus is on the description of God's main attributes and it shows the pure submission of the servant to God, which confirms the dominance of the Ash'ari determinism over the poet's society. In the explanation, we observe the traces of the court system and the poet's desire to purify the atmosphere of the era. A space where social, religious and ideological chaos has been precipitated and worldliness and utilitarianism have flourished. The representation of the social governing system and the poet's aspiration for peace and friendship are among the other findings.
Keywords: Attar, Mosibatnameh, prayers , Fairclough, discourse analysis.
Keywords: Attar, Mosibatnāme, prayers, Fairclough, discourse analysis.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: ادبیات عرفانی
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