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:: Volume 23, Issue 78 (5-2015) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2015, 23(78): 73-100 Back to browse issues page
A Structural and Thematic Analysis of the Titles of M. Sereshk's Poems (An Analysis of A Mirror for Sound)
Masoud Rouhani * 1, Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee
1- , ruhani46@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (7959 Views)

Diction as a primary means of writing poetry is the poet’s medium to express his ideas. Analyzing the title of the poems as a part of diction can be a way to appreciating the aesthetic features of poetry. On the other hand, titles are usually the most important chosen words of the poet and, therefore, by studying the poet's titles one can understand the poet's thoughts. This research is a statistical analysis of the titles of The Mirror for Sounds by Mohammad Reza Shafiy Kadkany (M. Sereshk). It attempts to analyze the titles from different perspectives, namely lexically, linguistically and semantically. To this purpose, the seven chapters of this book were analyzed statistically and the relationship between the titles and the poet’s thoughts was investigated. In addition, in a diagram the significance of the role of the titles in different periods of the poet’s life was indicated. No doubt M. Sereshk had a wide repertoire of Persian words that he employed properly in his titles and, therefore, he has used his titles in their full literary and lexical capacity.

Keywords: Shafiy Kadkany, Poem Titles, Content Analysis, Structural Analysis.
Full-Text [PDF 843 kb]   (3760 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Rouhani M, Enayati Ghadikolaee M. A Structural and Thematic Analysis of the Titles of M. Sereshk's Poems (An Analysis of A Mirror for Sound). Persian Language and Literature 2015; 23 (78) :73-100
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2307-en.html

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Volume 23, Issue 78 (5-2015) Back to browse issues page
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