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:: Volume 24, Issue 80 (8-2016) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2016, 24(80): 231-252 Back to browse issues page
An Analysis of the Deep Structure of Malekan-e- Azab and Its Relationship with the Author’s Techniques
Teymoor Malmir * 1, Fatemeh Ghaderi
1- , timoormalmir@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8464 Views)

The novel Malekan-e- Azab is the latest published work by Abu Torab-e Khosravi. The significance which is always assumed by Khosravi for words and writing is conspicuously seen in this novel as well; however, the author’s attempt to develop novel atmosphere and techniques has added a new dimension of complexity. To fully appreciate this complication and to gain an understanding of the discourse, we will investigate the deep structure of the novel and its affinity with the author’s technique, drawing on non-narrative elements, the implication of the signs and the binary contrast involved in the process of signification. The theme of the novel is a battle against Time. The technique of narration is multi-dimensional which is compatible with its deep structure. Given the significance of the association between words and creativity, the author has endeavored to develop a close connection between words and creativity and writing. In doing so, the author provides a circular portrayal of the characters. The realization of the characters by words and literary elements has induced a vivid image of the narrator by exploiting new indexicals which are constituted by the characters. The author’s novel technique to battle against Time is metamorphosis; the characters are realized as narrative indexicals and lead their lively life throughout the narrative. The symbolic elements of the narrative are closely interweaved with the circular structure of the characters and are so formulated to develop the deep structure of the narrative within a transformational framework.

Keywords: Transformation, Abolition of Time, Post Modern, Repetition, Circular Structure, Symbol.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Malmir T, Ghaderi F. An Analysis of the Deep Structure of Malekan-e- Azab and Its Relationship with the Author’s Techniques. Persian Language and Literature 2016; 24 (80) :231-252
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2613-en.html

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