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:: Volume 25, Issue 83 (3-2018) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2018, 25(83): 145-169 Back to browse issues page
The Satire of Death and its Representation in Shams Langaroudi’s Poetry
Ali Safaei * 1, Ali Alizadeh Joboni2
1- Guilan University , safayi.ali@gmail.com
2- Guilan University
Abstract:   (6278 Views)
One of the basic characteristics of satire is its humour. When dealing with supreme subjects like death, Satire sometimes movesaway from its basic characteristics such as comicality, candor and accessibility and becomes less relieving and more bitter and sad. When satire deals with death, which is always mysterious and tragic for humans, it fails to provide any absolute relief;instead it brings about short term forgetfulness in the audience through diverting their attention, and givesthem a temporary sense ofbliss. This article identifies satire of death as a complex genre and analyzes its different aspects in samplepoems by Shams Langaroudi. We will see that Shams uses different methods of satire of death to deal with this phenomenon and its related concepts such as thanatophobia. The article reveals that satire of death in poems of Shams reflects human's fear and apprehension about certainty of death and emphasizes the physical and bodily dimension of human being in the natural world.
Keywords: Death, Satire, Tragedy, Satire of Death, Shams Langaroudi.
Full-Text [PDF 318 kb]   (3350 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Safaei A, Alizadeh Joboni A. The Satire of Death and its Representation in Shams Langaroudi’s Poetry. Persian Language and Literature 2018; 25 (83) :145-169
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3088-en.html

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Volume 25, Issue 83 (3-2018) Back to browse issues page
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