1- Allameh Tababtaba’i University , a_a_vafaie@yahoo.com 2- Allameh Tabataba’i University
Abstract: (7844 Views)
The Poetry of the Constitutional period in Iran has been a turning point away from encomiums and mystical poetry of the prior ages. This shift is primarily characterized by a poetry dealing with socio-political issues such as freedom, homeland, etc. Contemporaneity of the Jadidieh Period in Tajikistani Poetry with this era in Iran paved the way for the maturation of the Constitutional Poetry in Iran. The method of the research is analytic-comparative and aims to investigate how this two interact in terms of subjects and contents. This study classifies the poets into three categories of “patriots” (like AdibulmamalekFarahani and Irajmirza in Iran and Fitrat in Tajikestan), “revolutionaries” and “elegiast” (like NasimShomal and MomenGhena’at in Iran). Studying the poetry in this period shows that the title “Motherland” is the first shared subject of Iranian poetry (Constitutional movement period) and Tajikistan (Jadidieh) which replaced the romantic lyrics of the previous age. The poets in the era of “Awakening” and modernism speak in their poems of their love of homeland, “freedom”, “prosperity” and “progress”. The topic of “homeland” both reveals the universality of the subject in the literature of this era and also indicates the changes in their essence and tones. Of other common thematic issues are 1- Fighting with dictatorship inside the country and defending motherland against foreign threats, 2- human rights, women’s rights and gender equality, 3- freedom and law, 4- acquiring modern sciences and education, 5- reforming and modernizing poetic topics and using colloquial terms, 6- fighting with religious superstitious ideas and ignorance.
Vafaei A A, Shafiepour Foumani M E. A Comparative Study of the Subjects and Contents of Iranian Constitutional Movement Poetry and JadidiehPoetry in Tajikistan
. Persian Language and Literature 2018; 25 (83) :293-316 URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3095-en.html