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:: Volume 21, Issue 74 (5-2013) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2013, 21(74): 49-68 Back to browse issues page
Rumi’s Interaction with the Political Institutions of Power in Konya
Mahmoud Fotoohi *
, fotoohirud@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (8703 Views)

Why did Rumi have empathy with the rulers of Seljuk and Mongols invaders in Konya, while Mongols destroyed Baghdad, the capital of Islamic Caliphate, and killed the Caliph? This question has remained an enigma to many Rumi scholars. This paper examines the political behavior of Rumi as an influential jurist and mystic, exploring the theoretical foundations of his behaviors. To clarify the issue, I have examined Rumi’s political behavior based on historical evidence at three levels: (1) the structure of power in Konya and Rumi’s relation with his contemporary politicians; (2) the relation between Rumi’s political behavior and his political unconscious; and (3) the cause of the inconsistency between Rumi’s political actions and his political thought. I have concluded that the verse “obligation to obey the Muslim Sultan” in the Quran acts as an ideological axiom that justifies appealing to cruel rulers by Muslims and cooperating with them. Ideology as a huge force prevents Rumi and his society from understanding this fundamental contradiction. In other words, ideology naturalizes all the contradictions for its followers.

Keywords: Rumi, political ideas, ideology, political jurisprudence
Full-Text [PDF 332 kb]   (6185 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Fotoohi M. Rumi’s Interaction with the Political Institutions of Power in Konya. Persian Language and Literature 2013; 21 (74) :49-68
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1667-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 74 (5-2013) Back to browse issues page
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