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:: Volume 31, Issue 95 (11-2023) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2023, 31(95): 209-232 Back to browse issues page
Compilation of Integral Hermeneutics in the Image Frame Based on Heartless by Mehdi Akhavan Sales
Rashin Mobasheri * 1, Hossein Hasanpour Alashti2 , Fatemeh Jamali3
1- Māzandarān University , rashinmobasheri@gmail.com
2- Māzandarān University
3- Payam-e Noor University
Abstract:   (4415 Views)
Each branch of hermeneutics is like a slice of reality. Integral hermeneutics confronts us with a larger part of reality. Since the image contains more information than the text, in integral hermeneutics, using the capabilities of the image, the elements related to the analysis of the author, the text, and the audience can be integrated together in an interactive space and displayed as an image. In this article, the poem Heartless (Biedel in Persian) by Mehdi Akhavan Sales was analyzed based on the integral hermeneutic approach, which first examines the elements of the text and the author's situation and then using psychological analysis, looks for external examples of text elements in the life and circumstances of the author. The results of this study showed that the depth images were used based on the proof images through the possibility of visualization (visualization of freedom in the pigeon). The depth image means the use of secondary aspects of words and the proof image means the author's attempt to express one’s opinion and to attract the audience. According to imagery structure, the ‘dove’, ‘blood’, ‘tower’, and ‘lost’ are in the focus as the central images and the poetic images are created by employing the secondary meaning of words using description and symbolization. These images have a lyrical tone due to the ‘akhrab makfouf’ present hexameter. Moreover, this poem has a socio-political function and like a critical statement, it portrays a regressing society as a result of the coup. The poem uses cinematic imagery because it has a narrative and rich imagery to take advantage of the secondary meaning of words. In fact, using symbolism and the secondary meaning of words, the poet tries to win the support of the audience regarding his intention, which is taking a stance on a historical, political, and social event.

Keywords: Akhavan Sales, Heartless, Integral Hermeneutics, Image, Schema
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Mobasheri R, Hasanpour Alashti H, Jamali F. Compilation of Integral Hermeneutics in the Image Frame Based on Heartless by Mehdi Akhavan Sales. Persian Language and Literature 2023; 31 (95) :209-232
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4153-en.html

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