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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 133-153 Back to browse issues page
A Pathological Analysis of the Position of “Women” as “The Others” in Persian Proverbs: An Emphasis on the Cultural Semiotics of Youri Lotman
Mohammad Khosravi Shakib *
Lorestan University , Khosravi.m@lu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (20712 Views)
Proverbs are a cultural tool that, due to their expressive language and special phonetic and literary patterns, can decrease the intellectual resistance of the audience and impose certain concepts and meanings on them. The cultural semiotics of Persian proverbs shows that gender discrimination and reducing the status of women are probably rooted in cultural standards and norms. In many proverbs, women are considered “the other” and marginal while men are regarded as “the self” and central. Using analytical, descriptive, and qualitative methods, this article critically investigates several gender proverbs with an emphasis on cultural semiotics to show how the dual opposition of “man” vs. “woman” has influenced concepts such as “patriarchy”, “marriage”, “reproduction”, “formal beauty”, “masculine economy”, “mental strength”, and “leadership and management”. and placed women in the “margin” and men in the “center” of the cultural context. The cultural semiotic analysis of proverbs attests to the fact that being a “woman” is a product of patriarchal ideology; a thought that consciously or unconsciously seeks to depict women as “the other”. This thinking removes women from the social scene with hidden control and repression and ultimately seeks their “symbolic refutation”.
Keywords: Culture, proverb, patriarchy, woman, other
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Khosravi Shakib M. A Pathological Analysis of the Position of “Women” as “The Others” in Persian Proverbs: An Emphasis on the Cultural Semiotics of Youri Lotman. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :133-153
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4306-en.html

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