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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 43-62 Back to browse issues page
A Comparative Analysis of Telesmāt (Spells) and Boof-e Koor (The Blind Owl) Based on Trans-Legendism
Ali Taslimi * 1, Farideh Faryād2 , Firouz Fāzeli2
1- University of Guilan , a_taslimy@guilan.ac.ir
2- University of Guilan
Abstract:   (20980 Views)
For Kristeva, each text is the result of its preceding textual network. Hence, to decode a text, one must consider this textual network. Authors and poets have always benefited from previous texts. This is sometimes done as legendism which is nothing but rewriting and recreating legends, and does not help literature much. However, “trans-legendism” has a different approach that can be a cause of literary transformation. Trans-legendism does not just refer to legends by way of allusion and referencing but transforms the past texts by employing intertextuality to the point that the reader cannot easily recognize what texts and legends have been used in the formation of the new text. In the novel Spells, we are faced with three methods: legend-telling, legendism, and trans-legendism. In The Blind Owl, too, the writer has transformed the text of the past through the use of multiple legends and myths. This article investigated the two novels based on trans-legendism or legendary intertextuality. This study concluded that both novels have benefitted from legends even in opposition to legends.

Keywords: Legendism, trans-legendism, intertextuality, Telesmāt, Boof-e Koor
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Taslimi A, Faryād F, Fāzeli F. A Comparative Analysis of Telesmāt (Spells) and Boof-e Koor (The Blind Owl) Based on Trans-Legendism. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :43-62
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4315-en.html

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