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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 235-266 Back to browse issues page
Sufi Currents in Fars Before the Appearance of Ibn-e Khafif
Fatemeh Toobayi * 1, Mohammad Yusof Nayyeri2
1- Shiraz University , toobaieshima@yahoo.com
2- Shiraz University
Abstract:   (20780 Views)
Investigating the origins of Sufism in various regions of Iran is a significant topic that has not been adequately explored. The researchers’ focus on Iraqi and Khorasan schools of Sufism has led to neglecting Sufi practices in other areas including Fars and Shiraz. Notably, the presence of over eighty Sufi sheikhs in Fars and Shiraz before the appearance of Ibn Khafif, along with the substantial growth of Sufism in this region underscores the need to study the origins and development of Sufism there. This research identified forty-three sheiks from Fars and Shiraz who lived either before or contemporaneously with Ibn Khafif and analyzed their mystical views based on the limited available information. As a result of this analysis, it is evident that four main Sufi currents existed during this period: first, the ascetic and secluded form of Sufism; second, the Iraqi school of Sufism; third, the Khorasan school of Sufism; and fourth, the pioneers of Fars school of mysticism. The findings indicated that the Shiraz school sheiks were predominant in Fars, with other currents playing a lesser role.
Keywords: Sufism, Fars, Asceticism, Iraqi School of Sufism, Khurāsān School of Sufism, Pioneers of Fars School of Mysticism
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Toobayi F, Nayyeri M Y. Sufi Currents in Fars Before the Appearance of Ibn-e Khafif. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :235-266
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4330-en.html

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