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Kharazmi University
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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

EISSN 24766941
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Investigating the emotion of "sorrow" in panj ganj Nezami based on the conceptual metaphor approach
Leila Azarnivar * 1, Khodabakhsh Asadollahi2
1- Mohagheg Ardabili University, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences , leilaazarnivar@yahoo.com
2- Mohagheg Ardabili University, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences
Abstract:   (1733 Views)
Affection is one of the methods of improving the quality of life and establishing effective human communication through which a person can understand a world full of meaning and full of emotions. One of the basic and fundamental emotions is sadness, which can sometimes cause serious problems due to the severity of its effects on a person's behavior and psyche. Sadness is important not only in the field of psychology but also in the field of linguistics. To the extent that Lakoff and Johnson have used it as the target area in their theory of conceptual metaphor Nezami poetry is also a poem that reflects human emotions and feelings. Emotions expressed in complex and ambiguous metaphorical language. Therefore, deciphering and understanding it can have a huge impact on the daily thinking and communication of the audience; because, according to Lakoff and Johnson, metaphors form an important part of our verbal communication. For this purpose, in the present research, with the descriptive-analytical methods based on the cognitive approach, the method of metaphorical conceptualization of grief emotion in the collection of poems of Panj ganj Nezami has been investigated. The purpose is that Nezami Ganjovi; with what skill has he depicted the abstract concept of grief? The findings of the research showed that the emotion of grief has given a special effect to military poems. In such a way that its frequency is high in some of his poems such as Khosrow and Shirin and Laily and Majnoun. To conceptualize sorrows whose source is mostly related to the loss of something valuable such as love and the death of a loved one, Nizami has used the field of various origins such as humans, plants, animals, and natural disasters.
Keywords: Nezami Ganjavi, Emotion, sorrow, conceptual metaphor
Type of Study: Research | Subject: فنون بلاغی
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